Creator Michael Cusack's (Smiling Friends,YOLO Crystal Fantasy) current adult animated Disney+ series Koala Man. Taking Dapto and its inhabitants to the world. Featuring Hugh Jackman, Sarah Snooks and Jemaine Clements. 'An animated family comedy where the patriarch lives a not-so-secret identity of Koala Man, an Australian suburban superhero with no powers but a burning passion to snuff out petty crime and bring order to the community'.​​​​​​​

Some selected character design examples from Koala Man S1. Showing my 'Primetime' redesign lineup of Michael Cusack's main cast and a selection of other characters I developed for S1 episodes.  Also showing are technical drawings of mouth positions and rig sheet turns and special poses used in production.
A selection of Character layout and special poses for Season 2 shots